Registration Type
Registration is Now Open
Attention: Change in the procedure to Upload the final version of papers.
The paper Upload system (Papercept) and payment system (SWGE) are now completely independent systems.
1) First, upload the final version of your accepted paper in the Papercept system, with the suggested modifications from reviewers. The final date to upload is 07th October and this date will not be changed anymore. In the upload process, it will be possible to modify the work’s title and authors. This latest version will be used in the Induscon 2018 Proceedings and in the Technical Program. In the same process you will be requested to fill the IEEE Copyright electronic form. Upon completing the form, it will not be necessary a separate Copyright document to be uploaded in the system.
2) Make the Registration by paying the corresponding fee at SWGE system. Note that ONLY “Professional” registration grants the publication of papers. You will need the paper’s SUBMISSION NUMBER and IEEE Membership Number (only IEEE members can apply for exclusive IEEE discount).
The registration for INDUSCON 2018 must be performed through the SWGE system. Several options for payment will be available on the system, including “Notas de Empenho” (see “Payment Information” button below). For the registration, select “Make a new Registration” and fill up all the required information. Then, associate the accepted papers which will be valid under your registration, by inputting the PAPER SUBMISSION NUMBER, the same number used in Papercept system, and then clicking on “Insert Publication”. Select the payment method, and proceed as informed.
Attention: IEEE members to apply to discounts must input the IEEE Membership Number.