
To submit a paper please use the following link.

Call for Papers

The IEEE/IAS International Conference on Industry Applications (INDUSCON) is an international conference held every two years in Brazil, brought by the South Brazil section of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers – IEEE and the local Chapter of IEEE Industry Applications Society.

The INDUSCON 2018 will take place in the city of São Paulo from November 11-14, 2018. This edition of the conference will be organized by the Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo University and its main theme will be “Industry 4.0”.

Consistent with this theme, we will have plenary keynotes from leading industrial and academic scientists, who will give forward looking visions as well as historical perspectives on our field. A broad array of scientific tracks will cover diverse topics of cutting-edge research and innovation in the diverse topics related to Industry 4.0.

The conference program will feature: mini symposia, workshops, invited sessions, oral and poster sessions, sessions for students and young professionals, sessions for entrepreneurs, and exhibits from vendors and universities.

To prepare an outstanding technical program we invite you to submit full papers. The submissions will be evaluated by the Conference Editorial Board and International Program Committee and the accepted papers will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore digital library.

Furthermore, we also welcome submission of Special Sessions & Minisymposia Workshops & Tutorials that will complement the technical program by giving to all participants a view on the challenges arising today from academia and industry.

How to Submit

All papers, session proposals and workshop proposals must be submitted electronically through the PaperCept Conference Management System.

Full Papers

Format Requirements

Papers are invited in the form of regular manuscripts (8 proceedings pages). Papers must be submitted through the PaperCept Conference Management System and must be formatted in accordance with the submission policy.

We highly recommend using one of the IEEE templates to prepare your submission. Templates and Resources are available for download for the following systems MS Word and LaTeX:

– Click here to download template file: Microsoft Word, A4 size;
– Click here to download template file: LaTeX;

You can generate a PDF using Adobe Acrobat or Ghostview.

Adobe Distiller Settings for IEEE Xplore Compliance

– Click here to download the xplore_distiller_files that will allow you to automatically set Adobe Distiller to produce the IEEE PDF requirements. This zip file contains instructions on job option file usage as well as files for job option settings for Adobe versions 5, 6, 7 and 8.

Full Paper format requirements

  • Language: English, Portuguese or Spanish
  • Paper Length: minimum of 4 pages and maximum of 8 pages
  • Paper Size: A4
  • File Format: PDF
  • Maximum File Size: 2MB
  • Use the author account you created in the PaperCept System, during initial submission, to edit or resubmit.
  • Only full papers in English will be transferred to IEEExplore.
  • If your Full Paper is not accepted, you will have the opportunity to review it and resubmit as a Short Paper (1-2 page paper).

Submissions that do not meet the format requirements will be rejected

Important note: All accepted papers must be accompanied by a signed IEEE Copyright Form to be included in the conference technical program and the conference proceedings CD. It is the responsibility of the author to ensure that he/she has submitted (in PDF format) the copyright form by the submission deadline.

Short Papers

Short Paper Requirements – 1~2 pages papers

Manuscript Submission
Accepted papers MUST be presented by one of the authors in person, at the conference site, and according to the final schedule.

The presenter MUST register for the conference by the author registration deadline. Failure to register before this deadline will result in automatic withdrawal of the paper from the conference program.

Manuscript Template
The template is exactly the same as the full paper, unless the maximum number of pages is different (1~2 pages).

1~2 pages papers

  • will not be in IEEEXplore and it will be on the USB/program book that is handed out at the conference.
  • may be posted on the website or sent via e-mail.
  • will only be slotted in a poster presentations if the paper is accepted.


Tutorials involve formal presentation of the principles (e.g., theory, methodology, and tools) behind an established research area to enhance the knowledge and skills of the participants in that area.

We particularly welcome proposals that cover material or use presentation formats that are not found within the main conference that increase the interest for the event, enhance interaction and discussion amongst participants, and make useful connections to fields outside of industry.

Interested organizers of Tutorials should submit a brief proposal through the PaperCept Conference Management System. A proposal should include the title, list of instructors and their affiliations, an overview of the event (e.g., abstract, keywords, objectives, motivation, content, structure, and tentative program), and intended audience, as well as role and brief bio of each instructor. The proposal should also clarify the type and duration of the event (half-day or full-day).

The Program Committee reserves the right to reject tutorial proposals (based on content), or to cancel accepted proposals (due to low numbers of pre-registrations). In the event of a cancellation, the event fees will be refunded in full.

Submission Deadlines

Full and Short Papers
Final Submission deadlineJuly 20th, 2018
Accept/reject notification (New date)September 15th, 2018
Final version submission (Last date)October 07th, 2018
Tutorials (Closed)
Final Submission deadlineJuly 20th, 2018
Accept/reject notification (New date)September 15th, 2018
Final version submission (Last date)October 07th, 2018

Presentation Models for Download

Sugestions of Induscon 2018’s presentation models for both oral and poster formats are available for download. They are in Microsoft’s Powerpoint format.

The use of these models are not obrigatory.